This book on rhinoplastic surgery was initiated by the Dutch ENT society because of the increasing interest of ENT surgeons not only in functional, but also in aesthetic surgery of the nose. This interest has been stimulated by a growing demand for aesthetic surgery.
In many cases there is a combined functional-aesthetic problem, which can be corrected in a one-stage operative procedure. The fast development of more atraumatic and refined operative techniques in the last decade, and the importance of good long-term results and dwindling mishaps in nasal surgery, emphasize the need for an up-to-date, step-by-step operative guide. Although there are many good books on the subject of rhinoplasty, there is a lack of practical guides covering surgical anatomy, pre- and postoperative management and basic techniques for septal-, tip- and osseocartilaginous vault surgery, especially for the less experienced rhinosurgeon.
This book is divided into three parts: the basic knowledge needed for rhinoplastic surgery (part I), the different operative techniques (part II), and capita selecta of special problems (part III), written by internationally renowned authorities on rhinoplasty.
We hope that this practical guide will be of use to many surgeons by helping them to perform one of the most challenging aspects of facial plastic surgery: rhinoplasty.
Luego de la primera edición, publicada en 1993, y la segunda edición publicada en 1998 con un CD-ROM interactivo, esta tercera edición es incluso más extensa, ya que contiene seis nuevos capítulos: Técnicas básicas de cirugía del septo; Nuevos conceptos en la septoplastia reconstructiva; Desarrollos en el abordaje de la rinoplastia abierta; Rinoplastia étnica; Injertos alares tipo batten para el colapso de la válvula nasal; y Reconstrucción nasal.
Además, un nuevo y sofisticado DVD interactivo ha sido desarrollado en colaboración con el Centro Audiovisual de la Universidad de Amsterdam. Su meta es proporcionar una guía práctica con máximo impacto en la enseñanza. El DVD contiene más de cuatro horas de cirugía en vivo, con secciones especiales sobre enfoques básicos y técnicas quirúrgicas específicas de rinoplastia moderna para complementar varios capítulos.
La gran cantidad de reacciones positivas de todas partes del mundo en cuanto a esta guía práctica para la cirugía nasal funcional y estética, que ha ayudado a colegas a mejorar sus habilidades quirúrgicas, ha sido un enorme estímulo.
Les presento con sumo placer la traducción al español de la tercera edición de Rinoplastia, una guía práctica a la cirugía funcional y estética de la nariz. Quiero agradecer especialmente a mi amiga Roxana Cobo de Cali, Colombia, quien supervisó la traducción al español. Una vez más, espero sinceramente que esta tercera edición, con su DVD interactivo que explícitamente demuestra las técnicas más modernas de rinoplastia, servirá a todos los cirujanos que deseen mejorar sus habilidades de rinoplastia, que aún hoy contunúa siendo el procedimiento más desafiante y difícil de la cirugía plástica facial.
After the first edition, which was published in 1993, and the second edition with interactive CD ROM, published in 1998, this third edition is even more extensive, containing six new chapters: Septal surgery basic techniques; New concepts in reconstructive septoplasty; Developments in the open rhinoplasty approach; Ethnic rhinoplasty; Batten grafts for nasal valve collapse; and Nasal reconstruction. Moreover, a sophisticated new interactive DVD has been developed in cooperation with the Audio Visual Center at the University of Amsterdam. Its goal is to provide a practical guide with the maximum impact on teaching. The DVD contains more than 4 hours of live surgery and there are short video clips on specific surgical techniques to complement the various chapters. The many positive reactions from all parts of the world regarding this practical guide to functional and aesthetic surgery of the nose, which has helped colleagues improve their surgical skills, have been a huge stimulus. Once again, I sincerely hope that this third edition, with its interactive DVD that explicitly shows most of the modern techniques in rhinoplasty, will be of benefit to surgeons who wish to improve their skills in rhinoplasty, which today still remains the most challenging and difficult surgical procedure in plastic surgery of the face.
Gilbert J. Nolst Trenité
Publication year: 2005. xii and 414 pages with 1193 illustrations, of which 1142 in full color, and 12 tables. Hardbound. With interactive computer DVD (Windows and Mac compatible), containing the entire book and 4 hours of live surgery video.
ISBN 10: 90-6299-208-0
ISBN 13: 978-90-6299-208-9
€ 290.00 / US $ 348.00
© 2007-2025 Publisher: Prof. Dr. Gilbert Nolst Trenité. All rights reserved.