Patient Gallery

Hump resection

Anterior nasal spine reduction to correct crowded upper lip.

Tip refinement and hump resection

Delivery approach followed by tip surging and cephalic resection of the lower laterals.

Deep naso-frontal angle

Slight reduction of the dorsum, Naso-frontal augmentation, Endonasal approach.

Overprojected nose

Hump resection. Tip de-projection andrefinement. Endo nasal approach.

Nasal hump resection and micro-osteotomies

Endonasal approach.

Overprojected nose with tip deformity

Lowering nasal dorsum. Tip reconstruction and de-projection and upward rotation. External approach.

Ethnic rhinoplasty

Dorsal implant. Tip refinement and augmentation. External approach.

Septal Extension Graft

Lengthening of the nose and downward rotation of the tip in primary surgery.

Direct post operative

External approach and an interrupted strip technique of the lower laterals for this overprojected nose and deep naso-frontal groove.

A revision case, I see often. An over rotation of the tip. In this case I used an external approach, to shorten the medial crura with minimal lowering of the cartilaginous/ bony vault.

Rhinoplasty, external approach hump resection, tip refinement, columella retraction suture for subtle improvement of the naso- labial angle.


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Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Gilbert Nolst Trenité.

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