Edited by G. J. Nolst Trenite
As its title suggests, the book is indeed a valuable guide to step-by-step rhinoplasty surgery. Now in its third edition, the book has been expanded with six new chapters and six additional authors. As before, it is divided into three parts: basics, operative techniques and a capita selecta of special problems and/or other techniques. The first part includes clear, well illustrated chapters on anatomy, aesthetics, anaesthesia and pre/post operative management of the rhinoplasty patient. The second part covers common operative techniques and starts with a chapter on septoplasty and turbinate surgery to continue with chapters on grafts, alar insufficiency, nasal valve, tip surgery, osseocartilagenous vault, open rhinoplasty and alar base resection. All are illustrated with clear diagrams and generous photography. The first and second parts in themselves comprise an excellent introduction to the novice rhinoplasty surgeon.
The third part of the book contains 16 chapters on various problems and conditions in rhinoplasty such as cleft-lip nose, opverprojected tip, saddle nose, augmentation rhinoplasty, repair of septal perforation, surgery in children, revision rhinoplasty and vestibular stenosis. A chapter on cadaver dissection is a useful guide to practice various rhinoplasty techniques.
The new chapters on the nasal septum in rhinoplasty and septal reconstruction with PDS foil as well as those on new developments in open approach, ethnic rhinoplasty and batten grafts present additional techniques and knowledge of the latest developments. Finally the inclusion of a comprehensive chapter on reconstruction of skin cancer defects will definitely satisfy those with interest in this area, of which many are rhinoplasty surgeons.
The book is complemented with a DVD-Rom which includes clear videos of main rhinoplasty techniques and four hours of live operating. The full text of the book is included in the DVD and is cross referenced with the video clips.
I have enjoyed reading this book and have found it an extremely useful guide. It is unique in being a real practical guide for the difficult operation of rhinoplasty. I do recommend it for both beginners and experienced surgeons who like to keep abreast with current rhinoplasty surgery.
Hesham Saleh FRCS (ORL-HNS)
Consultant Rhinologist/Facial Plastic Surgeon
Charing Cross & the Royal Brompton Hospitals
Honorary Senior Lecturer
Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine
By: Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., J.D.
This is the second edition on functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty. This book is a step-by-step operative guide, and has an interactive CD-ROM with live-surgery video, coverage of the different surgical procedures linked to the corresponding chapters.
Part 1 is on the basics of rhinoplasty and includes anatomy, aesthetics, preoperative management ‘ anesthesia and preoperative medication, and postoperative care and complications. There are excellent illustrations. Included are forms for SEATO-rhinoplasty assessment and septorhinoplasty operation. Early and late complications are described.
Part 2 is on operative techniques, and includes septoplasty and turbinate surgery, grafts, alar insufficiency, nasal valve surgery, approaches to nasal tip surgery, surgery of the osseocartilaginous vault, open tip rhinoplasty, external rhinoplasty, and wedge resection in alar base surgery. Each of the operative procedures is described, with accompanying photographs and illustrations for case of understanding.
The third part handles specific problems such as secondary surgery of the cleft-lip nose, the overprojected nasal tip, augmentation rhinoplasty, management of large septal perforations, reconstruction of saddle-nose deformities, rhinosurgery in children, revision surgery, and nasal vestibular, stenosis. There is also a guideline including operative techniques and graft harvesting.
This book is an excellent addition to the cosmetic surgeon’s library with an easy-to-follow guide to functional and aesthetic surgery of the nose.
Melvin A. Shiffman, M.D., J.D.
Tustin, California
International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery vol. 7, no. 1, 1999
By: Daniel G. Becker MD
This is a review of a book entitled Rhinoplasty, A Practical Guide to Functional and Aesthetic Surgery of the Nose (2nd edition). Edited by G.J. Nolst Trenite.
This text is a text/atlas with companion CD Rom that portrays operative techniques in rhinoplasty. The text is clearly written and well illustrated. There is a strong emphasis placed both on functional and aesthetic considerations. The book is a clear, precise pragmatic reference.
The book is organized into three sections – basics, operative techniques, and capita selecta. In the basic section the anatomy, pre-operative analysis, and other considerations are well handled. The bulk of the book, the operative techniques, is a thorough step-by-step review of important rhinoplasty techniques. The third section incorporates selected subjects of interest and also has an illustrated cadaver dissection.
All in all, this book is a valuable addition to the significant number of detailed textbooks that have come forth on rhinoplasty in the past decade.
Daniel G. Becker MD
American Journal of Rhinology
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